A downloadable game for Windows


'Project F' is a basic platformer game I made back in 2019/2020 where the main objective is to complete a series of short levels before the timer reaches the 'par time'. At the end of the game, you will get ranked based on your performance. 

The game is split into three difficulties (which only control how much control you have in mid-air. easy being full control and hard being little to no control)


WASD - Movement

Space - Jump

ESC - Pause Menu

Behind the Scenes Ramble:

The 'F' in the title was meant to stand for 'Friction' as there was originally going to be an ice ball you could play has which had really slippery controls but was scrapped sometime in development. 

The "Development Anniversary Update" was an update to the game in January 2020, a year since I began working on it, which made a few adjustments to the game such as reworking the in-game HUD. The original version of the game and the project files are lost to time due to some hard drive shenanigans. 

Controller Support available but not recommended (its janky)


Project F.zip

Install instructions

Like in every godot game, the .exe and .pck must be in the same folder or the game won't work

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